When there are too many people living in the country, it is said to be overpopulated. Overpopulation is a significant issue on a global scale. World Meter's analysis of the most recent United Nations data indicates that. There are 138 crore people living in India today. Overpopulation is a problem that developing countries deal with more than industrialised ones. Poverty is a result of both overpopulation and unemployment. Overpopulation has resulted from the population growth over the last few years. Because of the most recent medical advancements and technological advances, the standard of living of humans has increased, which has caused an increase in the birth rate and a decrease in the death rate. For the majority of history, the birth and death rates have been able to balance each other out and keep the population growth rate stable. We should be aware that there is a psychological element to overpopulation when discussing it. Overpopulation is said to be mostly caused by pov...